Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Imperfections are beautiful

"I feel like women should be really real and raw and it doesn't happen anymore [in fashion photographs]," she told Fashionista.com, crediting designer/photographer Johan Lindeberg for his unconventional approach. "I love that feeling of, you know, we are women, we are so different, our imperfections are what make us unique and beautiful. He gets that. He's not trying to retouch you or put a pretty light on you. He's not like 'you gotta look a certain way.' He's like, 'you are you' so now I'm gonna just be here with a camera, so express yourself how you like." (source: www.yahoo.com) -Gisele Bundchen

ATTA GIRL!! I look forward to the day when I read beauty magazines with real women on their cover, real, unedited, no make up. Real and alive. Not some eerie looking mannequins.  It speaks so much about how we should be treating the ones around us, about how we should look at life, and how we should be treating ourselves. These days more and more women are becoming aware that looking at beauty magazines makes them a lot uglier than they already feel about themselves. Tragically, most of these women end up spending so much time being depressed about it, or spending so much money to try and do something about it. I saw on TV the other day about a doctor saying "These beauty procedures are not called vanity. They help women feel good about themselves and that is really something." Oh really???

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