Monday, June 17, 2013

Acupuncture for picky eater kids

Yesterday I brought my son for his second acupuncture session. The acupuncturist is trying to work on improving his appetite as he has always been a very picky eater ever since he was born, refusing milk even as a baby. It took me just a night of trying to psyche him up to get his yes for acupuncture and I was so happy to finally bring him for his first session. "It didn't hurt a bit," was what he said proudly.

"It's like an ant's bite." 

"Will this make me write faster?" (he hates to write)

"Aren't you glad I'm brave?"

Showing off his needle on his tummy. 

My little man dozing off to his 30-minute motionless acupuncture session. 

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