Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My never ending saga with acid reflux

Stress, spicy foods, type A personality. Which of these causes most stomach ulcers? The answer: none of them. Research shows that most ulcers -- 80% of stomach ulcers and 90% of those in the duodenum, the upper end of the small intestine -- develop because of infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This is according to what I have read on google, desperate to find solution to my years and years of struggling with stomach problems. I will be pasting below the rest of the information I have gathered (thanks to

H. pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium commonly found in the stomach. The bacteria's shape and the way they move allow them to penetrate the stomach's protective mucous lining, where they produce substances that weaken the lining and make the stomach more susceptible to damage from gastric acids.

The bacteria can also attach to cells of the stomach, causing stomach inflammation (gastritis), and can stimulate the production of excess stomach acid. Over time, infection with the bacteria can also increase the risk of stomach cancer.

Although it is not known how H. pylori infection is spread, scientists believe it may be contracted through food and water. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 20% of people under 40 years old and half of adults over 60 years old in the U.S. are infected, with higher rates in developing countries.

Having found this out, I googled on home remedies, instead of opting for western medicine. That alone is a different topic. But yes, I'd rather trust the goodness of nature than go back to the hospital over and over again and each time, I still always go home feeling more sick than ever before.  

GARLIC. Yes, you heard me right. RAW GARLIC. I was feeling hopeless than desperate having been suffering from acid reflux for weeks. And I chanced upon google some informations proving how raw garlic can help get rid of H. Pylori. With all my courage and might, desperate for relief, I took one clove of garlic, minced it, mixed it with my cooked rice and had my lunch. I had instant relief. I  am now into my third week of raw garlic diet and I am feeling better than ever! No more acid attacks so far. 

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