Saturday, September 28, 2013

More on garlic amazing stories :)

I remember suffering from yeast infection for so long. I went to the doctor too often it started affecting my finances. It's crazy now thinking about it how the doctors seems not to know how to really combat it and help me live a healthy life. I also notice they never ever advise what to eat and what not to eat. So obviously, it just kept coming back.

Garlic possesses a lot of health benefits that a lot of people just don’t know about. Known as a natural herb, garlic is widely known as a food item that is a key ingredient in many different dishes for various cultures. However, most people don’t know that garlic is packed with germanium, an anti-cancer compound, and consuming germanium will help protect them against different cancers like colon and breast cancer.
What Makes Garlic Such a Good Home Remedy for Yeast Infections?
One of the main components that gives garlic it’s health benefits against fungal infections like candida is allicin, which is produced when you slice up the raw garlic clove. Thanks to allicin garlic has the antifungal and antiviral power it needs to stop a yeast infection in it’s tracks. Along with allicin garlic also produces diallyl sulfides.
Diallyl sulfides is the perfect sidekick to allicin, as allicin stops the yeast infection symptoms, the diallyl sulfides will boost your immune system and keep the Candida fungus from coming back. Allicin, diallyl sulfides, and a host of other properties makes garlic the ultimate home remedy for eliminating a yeast infection.
Raw Garlic vs. Garlic Supplements
Now that you know why garlic is such an effective yeast infection home remedy it all comes down to how you are going to use it to treat yourself. Some people like using the raw garlic, while other don’t like the taste or smell of garlic so they take the supplements.
Even though you won’t have to deal with the strong taste or smell of garlic, garlic supplements aren’t as effective as garlic in it’s raw form. To release the health benefits like allicin and diallyl sulfides simply slice up a few garlic cloves into pieces to begin the chemical process. You could also put the garlic into a food processor and mince it up into a paste. Garlic supplements come in two forms, which is one made out of garlic oil and the other is made using garlic powder.
If you take garlic supplements you should take the recommended dosage to treat candida, which is 6 to 7 100 mg garlic capsules a day. To keep your symptoms from returning you should decrease your garlic supplement intake to 2 daily.
Garlic Tea
One way to use raw garlic to treat your yeast infection is to make a tea. Garlic tea is a fantastic way to stop the candida fungus from making your life miserable. Slice the raw garlic clove into smaller pieces and steep it in a cup of boiling water on the stove. Use about 4 to 5 cloves of garlic for a cup of water. When the sliced garlic has been boiling for a few minutes remove it from the stove and allow it to sit at room temperature.
As the garlic sits in the hot water it will begin to release the properties like allicin and diallyl sulfides into the water. Strain the garlic tea into a coffee cup and drink slowly. Drink this tea 2 to 3 times daily for a couple weeks for symptoms to leave.
For an added benefit you can add a little lemon juice to the tea. Lemon juice has the acidic content to help increase the good bacteria in your system to fight off the candida fungus. Drop about 4 tablespoons of lemon into your garlic tea each time you make it.
Raw Garlic
Just slice up a few garlic cloves and eat them just the way they are. As you chew the raw garlic your mouth will activate the health benefits. If you don’t mind the taste of garlic on your breath this is a highly effective way to treat your yeast infection.
Garlic Suppository
If you’re suffering from a vaginal yeast infection try making a homemade vaginal suppository. To make the suppository grab some raw garlic cloves and slice them into smaller pieces. Take the pieces of sliced garlic and wrap them up tight in a gauze.
Tie the end of the gauze with a long string and place it into your vagina and leave it in there for half the day. Do it 2 times each day for 2 weeks and you should see those annoying symptoms disappear.
These are some of the best ways to use garlic to treat a yeast infection. Remember too much of anything can be bad for you so don’t go crazy and start eating a ton of garlic.


Amazing Garlic

I am now officially a garlic fan. Imagine it can cure just about anything if we make it part of our diet. Who would ever think that this can also combat hemmorroids. Well, not that I have one, but I know a few in my circles who have and I can't wait to share this good news to them. Last night I have already started eating raw garlic! Imagine it's anti-inflamatory and antibacterial components. This morning for breakfast, I sort of fried the unpeeled cloves, just half-fried it. The cloves are then easy to take off and the garlic, it tasted so delicious! 

Garlic Magic! Say Goodbye to Hemorrhoids

Are you not annoyed getting hemorrhoids? The pain and itch it creates ruin a supposed to be easy and comfortable routine. The cushion of blood accumulated in the anal area is irritating. And it is just right to know what hemorrhoids are and seek for a good remedy to make it disappear.
There are lots of hemorrhoid remedies out there. Some are unknown yet proven effective. And one of them is garlic. Yes, garlic is not just a spice but also a hemorrhoid remedy. And there are different preparation you can make to this herb to treat your hemorrhoids.
Garlic Rectal Remedy
Suppositories might have unnatural compounds that can cause reactions and reverse effects. Why not use garlic? This is a common method use centuries ago and is still effective until now. Get clove of garlic. Peel it until you could feel its juices and you can smell its aroma. Make sure that you peel it suppository-like.  Now, use it rectally. It is good to do it during bed time. Your hemorrhoid will disappear after two or more treatments.
Garlic Solution
Garlic is a good astringent too. Take a clove of garlic. Pound it and take its juice. The juice will serve as your garlic-hemorrhoid solution. Apply it to your anus everyday and see great results.
Garlic-Onion Compress
There are a lot of compresses to alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms. And garlic and onion can be one of the best combination in treating hemorrhoids. Now, get a clove of garlic and a clove of onion. Chop these herbs and put on a cotton wool pad. Just leave them there for three hours. Then you are ready to apply them on the hemorrhoids.
Treating hemorrhoids with garlic is one way of getting rid of your venous problem. Natural hemorrhoid remedies are always the best because they trigger no side effects. There are still a lot of unknown hemorrhoid remedies.  But, whatever hemorrhoid remedy it may be, you must admit– garlic is undeniably powerful!


Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

2 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is a mild bacterial infection of the vagina. BV is a sexually transmitted disease or STD, but it can be spread through other means. Since it is a mild infection, vaginosis is more of a nuisance than a problem. The common medical treatment for it is antibiotics and antibiotic cream. Doctors usually use fairly powerful antibiotics such as metronidazole (sold as Flagyl) and clindamycin (marketed as Cleocin). These can be administered in either pill or cream form. Obviously, taking such powerful drugs for a minor ailment may not be a good idea. Fortunately, there are a number of effective home remedies for bacterial vaginosis out there. In fact, the disease is so mild that it sometimes goes away on its own. It is possible to effectively treat this problem yourself with very basic home remedies. Diet and your overall health also play a role. Something to keep in mind is that BV can be a sign of more serious problems. It can also cause real problems in pregnant women including miscarriage. If home remedies do no work, you should see a health care practitioner immediately. There are some other treatments available for it. What is Bacterial Vaginosis BV is more of an imbalance than an infection. This can be hard to believe, but the vagina is crawling with all sorts of bacteria both good and bad. Vaginosis occurs when the bacteria get imbalanced. The bad bacteria start outnumbering the good and creating problems. Part of the reason why women get BV when they get a new sex partner is that is an imbalance. Women with multiple sex partners and girls who have just entered a new relationship will be more likely to get it. In many cases, it will go away on its own after a few days. In most cases, the body’s immune system will correct this imbalance. But if you have a weakened or imbalanced immune system, that may not happen. Many people including women have weakened immune systems these days. Poor diet, lack of exercise, vitamin deficiencies, infections, pollution, chemicals, stress and many other problems can weaken your immune system. Oftentimes, problems result from bacteria vaginosis because a weakened immune system makes a minor problem into a serious one. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is eat right, get plenty of sleep, plenty of exercise and reduce stress. A great way to do this is with a raw food diet such as Yuri Elkaim’s Eating for Energy. Exercising every day helps you reduce stress and strengthens the immune system. Eating foods rich in certain vitamins including D & E can help as well. Avoiding processed foods that can damage the immune system and chemical pollution which also weakens the immune system can help you to avoid imbalances. The most common sign of BV is smelly vaginal discharge. The discharge can also turn yellow or white. There may also be a fishy smell. Many women report this gets worse after having sex. Some other symptoms include discomfort, itching or pain in the vagina. Pain while going to the bathroom and bleeding are other common symptoms. How BV Spreads Bacterial vaginosis can spread through sex or through bad sanitation. It is possible to catch this disease from a public toilet or poorly cleaned clothing. So there are some precautions you can take to keep yourself from catching it. These include: Not having more than one sex partner and using condoms during sex. Washing your underwear with bleach Making sure the water temperature in your washing machine is set at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. This should kill the bacteria. Washing your bathroom thoroughly with a disinfectant such as bleach every week. Trying to avoid using public toilets especially poorly cleaned ones. Making sure you bath after sex and bath every day. Keeping yourself dry can help; moisture does spread BV. These precautions won’t entirely prevent the disease, but they can prevent the spread. Being careful and clean will protect you from most diseases and make you feel better. When to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis If you think you have BV, it is a good idea to wait a few days to see if it goes away. During that period, it is a good idea to take a nice hot bath every day. A good soak in the tub followed by drying should help. If you take showers, try installing a flexible showerhead, so you can wash your vagina directly. If the baths don’t work, you should start trying traditional home remedies. There are several traditional herbal remedies that are highly effective treatments for bacterial vaginosis. Some of these you may already have in your home. Others you can order online or get from health food stores. These cures treat both the disease itself and its symptoms. Margosa leaves are a highly effective treatment for skin diseases including bacterial vaginosis. The margosa is an evergreen tree. Its leaves or needles can be made into margosa or neem oil. The leaves themselves can be processed into a liniment or salve that is applied directly to the vagina. An ointment made from margosa can be applied directly to the vagina. You can order neem oil and margosa medicines online. Calendula or pot marigold flowers can relieve inflammation. It can be applied directly or made into a tea. Dampen a cloth with the tea and rub it on the vagina. Tampons can also be soaked in the tea. Calendula can be used as a douche. To make the douche, boil water and add 12 tablespoons of calendula and steep. You can soak a tea bag in the mixture and use it like a tampon. Tea tree oil has long been used to treat a wide variety of infections. The oil is made from the leaves of the tea tree which is found in Australia. The oil can be rubbed directly into the vagina or mixed with a douche. This oil is a powerful antibiotic that can also relieve yeast infections. You should be able to find a large assortment of tea tree oil products for sale online. A two ounce bottle of the oil should cost around $6. Black walnut is a supplement made from nuts of a tree known for its antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties. It has traditionally been used as a treatment for fungal infections, but it can be effective against BV. Something to remember is that BV could be accompanied by a yeast infection. Like other remedies, it can be applied directly to the vagina. Tinctures of black walnut that can be used for this purpose are available online. Echinacea is a Native American herb that is widely used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Laboratory studies have proven that this supplement can strengthen and enhance the immune system. So taking an Echinacea supplement is an excellent idea if you have BV. Professional herbalists recommend it as a treatment for urinary tract infections such as vaginosis. You can order supplements and tinctures online. This herb also relieves inflammation which is one of the symptoms of the condition. Tinctures are the best means of applying it. Goldenseal is a traditional American or Canadian remedy that was used by both Native Americans and the Pioneers. It is often combined with Echinacea and can be used in bacterial vaginosis tinctures. Goldenseal contains a compound called berberine that has been shown to kill many kinds of bacteria in laboratory experiments. Applying it or a tincture made from it to the vagina can kill the infection. It may also activate white blood cells which are the body’s natural infection fighters. It could also strengthen the immune system. A woman with BV might take a goldenseal supplement to strengthen her immune system. This supplement is sometimes marketed as Indian Paint and ground raspberry. Garlic, even though it is hard to believe, is one of the most powerful and effective natural antiseptic and antibiotic products available. Sticking a clove of garlic in the vagina is a traditional remedy for yeast infections and for vaginosis. Another remedy is to make a garlic tincture or rub. Ground or minced garlic can easily be mixed with tea tree oil to create a powerful antibiotic. This can be applied with a cloth. Eating cloves of garlic can boost the immune system and kill infections as well. Cleansing and Detoxification Cleansing and detoxification are highly effective treatments for minor infections such as bacterial vaginosis. These work well because they can flush the infection right out of your system. The first thing to do is to drink lots of water – several large glasses or two or three quarts a day. This is one of the fastest ways to flush out the system completely. You should also drink lots of juices especially citrus juices because they contain lots of vitamin C which is a proven infection fighter. Try drinking fresh squeezed or homemade juices because many store-bought juices contain lots of sugar and other bad stuff. A good way to get both water and vitamin C is to simply mix a couple of ounces of fresh squeezed lemon, grapefruit, orange or lime juice into your water. Lemon or lime juice is best for this because it contains the most vitamin C. Try bringing this with you in your water bottle at work and elsewhere. Something else you could try is to add an ounce of organic apple cider vinegar to your water. Apple cider vinegar can flush out your system and make your cleansing more efficient. Detox soups can also help you get plenty of water and minerals Canadian holistic health expert and fitness guru Yuri Elkaim has designed an excellent detoxification diet anybody can use. Total Wellness Cleanse is designed to flush out your system in just twenty days. It contains lots of really great detox recipes as well as other tips. Some other BV detoxification foods include cranberry juice which also flushes out the system. Make sure you get pure organic cranberry juice; most stores and over-the-counter brands contain apple juice and lots of sugar. BV Diet and Lifestyle Your diet can definitely affect diseases like bacterial vaganosis. It can often make them worse by weakening your immune system and your ability to fight the bacteria off. Eating a lot of food that act as natural antibiotics such as garlic, reishi mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cayenne and other red peppers can help. Simply eating a couple of cloves of garlic or a plate of the mushrooms a day can strengthen your immune system. So can getting more of the right kind of protein. A good way to do this is to take fermented cod liver oil which contains a powerful dose of nutrients. There are now tasty fermented cod liver supplements available. Eating certain foods will help you fight off bacterial vaginosis. They include: Flaxseed and other natural oils including olive oil Garlic Fermented cod liver oil Oily fish such as salmon and tuna Pepper Whole grains Fruit particularly citrus fruit Vegetables particularly dark leafy ones like spinach and kale There are also some foods that can make the problem worse. Sugar in particular will make it really bad so avoid that. One problem is that sugar upsets the hormonal balance which weakens the immune system. Caffeine, alcohol and foods that have been fermented can also aggravate the problem. Foods to avoid while infected with BV: Sugar Soft drinks Candy Sugary cereals Baked goods Coffee Alcohol Store-bought fruit juices Ice cream Energy drinks Desserts Processed foods High carbohydrate foods Eliminating these foods from your diet will help your body fight off bacterial vaginosis. So can switching to a plant based raw food diet such as Yuri Elkaim’s Eating for Energy. Something else that will make bacterial vaginosis worse is tobacco. That means you should quit smoking. Get at least eight hours of optimal sleep every day because the immune system needs plenty of rest to function properly. Try sleeping in the dark and taking a bath right before bedtime to make it easier to get to sleep. Exercising for 15 minutes every day can also help. Exercise promotes the production of human growth hormone which gives the body the strength it needs to fight off disease. Short bursts of activity might be better than long workouts. A Home Remedy that Does Not Work Something your mother may have been wrong about is douches. Douching does not get rid of bacterial vaginosis and it may actually make the condition worse. It does that by aggravating the bacteria and making the imbalance worse. Only use a douche with a proven antibiotic property and only use it when other treatments fail. Stop using douches because they make it more likely that you will get BV. In some cases, they may actually be the cause of it. When All Else Fails If bacterial vaginosis does not go away after using home remedies and changing your lifestyle, you should definitely seek professional help. A good idea is to seek out a natural medicine practitioner such as an herbalist, a naturopathic physician or a homeopathic doctor. Such experts are often much more experienced at treating bacterial infections than conventional medical doctors. Bacterial Vaginosis Resources:


THANKS TO LIVESTRONG.COM for this amazing find.
No matter how you stack it, a cucumber can help you lose weight. 
Photo Credit Creatas Images/Creatas/Getty Images
"A cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out, as good for nothing," offered 18th-century author Samuel Johnson. Johnson's commentary on the cucumber came well before selective breeding had eliminated much of the bitterness of the vegetable. The author also was lacking current knowledge of the considerable benefits of the now-mild tasting cucumber. The cucumber is a source of slow-release energy and a potent tool in your efforts to lose weight.
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Although the cucumber is famously held in high regard by the British, its early history lay in the Mediterranean region, where Greeks, Romans and Egyptians cultivated it since about 4000 to 3000 B.C. The cucumber migrated up to France and eventually to England by the 1300s. It was brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus and has made its way across the globe, appearing in cuisines around the world in salads, sandwiches, salsas, relishes and sauces, such as Indian raitas and Greek tzaziki. A member of the squash family and cousin to zucchinis and watermelon, the cucumber has never attained the status or popularity of other vegetables that are eaten raw, such as lettuce, celery and carrots. Set aside whatever bias you might harbor, however. It's time to invite the lowly cucumber to your daily plate, especially if you are trying to lose weight.


Just as you may think of solar or wind power as providing clean energy, you can think of the cucumber as providing clean energy to your body. The cucumber is unencumbered by the negative nutritional qualities you can find in many of the foods that are probably lurking in your refrigerator and cupboards. An 85 g serving of cucumber, about ¾ of a cup, has a mere 11 calories. It has virtually no fat, cholesterol or sodium. It has 2 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of sugar.

Dieters can find much to love in the lean caloric profile of cucumber as few foods have fewer calories than the cucumber. Even romaine lettuce and celery, which have 14 and 12 calories, respectively, in an 85 g serving, have more calories than a cucumber.


Although slim on calories, the cucumber manages to offer good nutrition. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, folate, potassium, and manganese, and it is a good source of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin B6.


The cucumber offers about 0.5 g of fiber in an 85 g serving. This bit of fiber helps slow the release of the few calories in cucumber, stabilizing blood sugar and sating your appetite. The slow release of calories means your body has energy available to it for a longer period of time.This might seem like a small amount of fiber compared to other vegetables, but there is a reason for this. A cucumber is almost 97 percent water by weight, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This means that when you eat cucumbers, you are mostly consuming water with a little bit of fiber, slow-release energy and some decent nutrition. Your body benefits from the hydration and the water quells your appetite.


Perhaps you are thinking that the cucumber could be the perfect diet food, if only it tasted not like a cucumber but more like onion rings or chocolate. However, the mild flavor, texture and adaptability of the cucumber make it an ideal ingredient in several dishes that offer up diverse flavors and textures. Add sliced cucumber to your salads or sandwiches and wraps for vitamins and crisp bulk. Make cucumber salads, mixing equal portions of cucumber and fresh tomato along with half portions of green pepper and onion. Top with low-calorie, fat-free Italian dressing. Try the cucumber raita recipe described at IFood. Raita is a popular Indian condiment made of cucumber, yogurt and cumin that serves as a cool contrast to spicy curries. It's time to stop neglecting this ally in your efforts to curb your appetite and drop those pounds.

benefits of cucumber

Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Cucumber Water

Today I am going to start including cucumber water in my diet. This article below is a great find that has greatly encouraged me. I hope to give myself one month and report back to you about the improvements I will be experiencing. 

The human body has a pH balance that is measured on a scale that goes from 0 to 14, with zero being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline. You want to get your pH levels at about 7 for optimal health. When the body is really acidic, immunity can be compromised, which can lead to frequent colds, inflammation can become worse in the joints and the body can become lethargic. Alkaline water is used to balance out the acid in the blood.


  • Acid forms in the body when an abundance of foods that contain acid are consumed. Some of these include coffee, alcohol, soda, processed baked goods, dairy products and meats. As a result of all this acid, yeast, bacteria and toxins form and manifest, causing digestive problems, weight gain and low energy levels.


  • Alkaline water has various features. It is designed to prevent the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in the body that can destroy cells. It also removes cell-damaging substances from the body and promotes cell metabolism by transporting nutrients and minerals.


  • Regular tap water is used on a daily basis, but it might not be sanitary. There is a chance that the water can be riddled with contaminants such as parasites, hydrocarbons, chlorine and heavy metals. For this reason, water ionizers are often installed. These devices get hooked up to your faucet and they filter out the toxins and create alkaline water.


  • Regular water can also be created with the addition of a liquid booster. These are drops that are put into water to turn it alkaline. These drops have ionic minerals in them that have an electrical charge and can help increase energy levels. When this water is created, it has a 9.5 alkalinity level.


  • Alkaline water can also be produced by hand. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that are alkaline. Some of these include celery, broccoli, lemons, limes, sprouts, avocados and cucumbers. A common way that water is made alkaline is with the addition of lemon or cucumber slices.

Read more:

Friday, September 27, 2013

food that trigger acid reflux

I have been googling for days trying to find answers to my GER wonderment. When I read this query I could instantly relate to it: 

Just what the title says. I love the stuff, but no matter what form--oat groats from scratch, Quaker instant, oatmeal cookies--it gives me hideous heartburn about 45 minutes to an hour after I eat it. Plain oatmeal does it just as badly as a homemade oatmeal cookie.  

After working out this morning I had half a cup of Cracklin' Oat Bran cereal with almond milk, and sure enough I was bolting for the Tums half an hour later when I felt it coming on. 

Everything I read says it should be the opposite, and that a diet high in fiber should help keep heartburn at bay. I can eat the greasiest, spiciest meal on the face of the planet and be just fine, nothing gives me heartburn like oatmeal. What gives?

Here are a few who attempted to "diagnose" her: 

Charter Member
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Slithering on the hull
Posts: 21,594
Well, your reaction is certainly paradoxical, as fiber is generally recognized as reducing the frequency of GERD in some patients.

However, I can hypothesize that with some individuals, the bulk of the fiber may distend the stomach as the fiber swells with liquid, thus expanding the stomach and relaxing the sphincter which is supposed to be a one-way valve to prevent acid from migrating back up into the esophagus.

Again, that's my wild-ass hypothesis.

Join Date: Jul 2002
Whoa, zombiness!

Thanks for the anti-oatmeal support. As it turns out, I cut all grains out of my diet a little while ago, and within 48 hours, all the heartburn/reflux and associated nausea that I had been experiencing for a couple of decades on a low-fat, whole-grain based diet stopped cold. Bacon, eggs, and spinach for breakfast, steak and broccoli with butter for dinner, and now my CBC/Chem panel results are hanging on the fridge with a gold star, and my blood pressure is down from 142/94 to 118/72. Life is good ;0)

Join Date: Jun 2008
I've learned that oatmeal eaten alone makes my stomach go all weird (not heartburn pain, exactly) 45 minutes to an hour after breakfast. However, eating protein such as poached eggs or an omelet with the oatmeal makes the symptoms disappear. Whole-grain rye bread etc. does not act like this, so there's something evil in the oatmeal itself, not just the fiber.
Old 04-27-2013, 06:48 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Whole grains give me heartburn, reflux, and diarrhea. It got so bad for me at one point that I was diagnosed with IBS. But it turns out that if I stay away from certain foods, I am symptom free. 

Some of us do not need extra dietary fiber. If you aren't constipated, you're getting enough. Some of us also have reactions in our upper digestive tract to certain compounds in foods that many people digest perfectly - who knows why - but I know a lot of heartburn and GERD sufferers who saw big improvements when they stopped eating grain products.

Join Date: Sep 2013
GERD and acid reflux come from a messed up ratio of bacteria in your gut. I used to be up all night just about coughing up mucus constantly and digesting food so slow that I'd often cough up things I ate 12+ hours before.

The way you fix this is really simple; you eat probiotic foods. After eating probiotic vegetables and drinking probiotic kumbucha type drinks, my symptoms have gone away within days and are now getting better. The lump in my throat is gone, I can now swallow without drinking hot water, I can sleep for 8+ hours without issue and if I eat grains I get a mild reaction instead of my body trying to murder me for it.

So basically, all you need to do is look up probiotic foods, make a list of what you want and eat nothing but that for awhile. I've been eating foods I know I shouldn't be every few days, which is why I suspect I still get immediate (albeit mild) issues with grains, but if you eat nothing but probiotic foods for about a month I imagine you can completely fix the issue.

Another thing to consider is foods nowadays are based on taste rather than nutrition. Dairy products? They aren't good for us at all. Grains? Our bodies can't digest it properly. Now consider that we have been eating highly refined versions of these foods that weren't good for us to begin with. Yeah, our bodies can use SOME of the nutrients in these foods and there aren't any negative effects if we eat it once or twice a week, but our bodies are not meant for this food and eating it on a regular basis is terrible for us.

We need to remember the point of food, that is to keep us alive and healthy.

Gastro Esophageal Reflux

I have been suffering from this for weeks now. It has become aggressive and it is already affecting my day to day living. I am desperate of seeking cure for this. 

Natural GERD Treatment: Healthy GERD Diet & Foods to Avoid with GERD

Welcome to this GERD treatment guide.
Have you ever had that recurring nightmare where you feel like someone is burning hot knives into your throat or neck?

The bad news:
It’s not a nightmare, it’s probably GERD.
If you feel like you have a burning pain in your neck, throat, chest, or heart, you probably have acid reflux, also known as GERD.
The good news:
You can do something about it. You should be glad to know that there are many GERD treatment options – most importantly changing what and the way that you eat.

What Is GERD?

GERD is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, and is the result of acid reflux. With this disease, your esophagus becomes swollen and painful due to the acid that your stomach is kicking back up towards your throat.
Remember: Your esophagus is that long tube that connects your mouth to your stomach, and it is what helps the food you eat to go down.

What Happens When You Eat?

When you eat food, it travels through your esophagus towards your stomach, and your stomach uses its acid to digest the food.
The reason that your stomach isn’t constantly in pain is that it has a special lining that protects it from the acid, meaning that the acid can’t eat through the walls of your stomach.
Your throat, however, has no such lining, and thus any time your acid reflux kicks in and you feel like your throat is on fire, you are probably suffering from GERD.
Your stomach has a special muscle that connects it to your esophagus, known as a sphincter. This muscle usually only allows food down, and not the other way.
However, when you have GERD, it is because that sphincter muscle has relaxed to the point that the acid from your stomach can travel back up your esophagus. This means that the acid that is digesting the food in your stomach is able to head back up your esophagus, and it starts to eat at the lining of your esophageal walls.
Roughly 25 to 40 percent of the adults in the U.S. suffer from some variety of GERD, with as much as 10 percent of the population experiencing it on a regular (daily or weekly) basis.

Typical Causes of GERD

There are a few things that are believed to cause GERD:
  • 1. Being overweight, slouching, smoking, drinking, and having a generally poor lifestyle.
  • 2. Hiatal hernia, pregnancy, diabetes, very fast gaining of weight, and other medical conditions.
  • 3. Eating immediately before sleeping, as well as eating meals that are too large.
  • 4. Having a diet that is rich in onions, garlic, fatty foods, spicy stuff, caffeinated drinks, citrus, etc.
  • 5. Certain medications, such as nitrates, antihistamines, and calcium channel blockers.

GERD Pain and GERD Symptoms

GERD is a fairly painful disorder, as your body is basically eating itself up. There are a few things that indicate that you may be suffering from GERD:
  • A sore throat or a feeling like you have a very large frog stuck in your trachea
  • You may have a hard time swallowing, even things like water and ice cream.
  • A very dry, persistent cough that has no explained cause.
  • Pain in your chest
  • A feeling like your chest is on fire. This feeling often spreads to your throat, and you may taste sour bile in your mouth.
  • Acid reflux, which really means regurgitating the food that you have swallowed.
If you experience any of these GERD pains or GERD palpitations, it is important that you immediately seek medical help.
While you may not have to undergo surgery, it is good that you get medications to help treat the problem. Your doctor will be able to recommend a good GERD Treatment or aGERD diet to help you solve the problem, thus reducing the pain and eliminating the symptoms.

Using Acid Reflux Remedies in Your GERD Treatment

One of the best acid reflux remedies that you can try in your GERD treatment is a diet for acid reflux.
The foods you eat have a lot to do with the way you feel, and putting the right foods in your body with a GERD diet is actually the best natural GERD treatment you can find, along with a healthy lifestyle.
Don’t know what to eat or do?
Here are tips that will help to deal with your GERD and reduce it as much as possible without the need for any medications:
  • Get in shape – One of the best ways to reduce the chances of GERD being a problem is by keeping your weight in check. Too much extra weight around your midsection will place pressure on your stomach, which will push on it and cause some of the acid to head up your esophagus. Slow weight loss is the way to go.
  • Hang loose – Surprisingly, the clothes you wear can contribute to your GERD. Clothes that are very tight constrict your waist, which causes pressure to be placed on your stomach. Wear loose clothing in order to reduce this problem.
  • Eat less – Eating less will not only help you to lose weight, but will also require that your stomach only produces a limited amount of acid. Less acid in your stomach means that your stomach has less to send up your esophagus, meaning less pain for you.
  • Stay up – Many people lie down once they have finished eating, and this usually leads to GERD because gravity sends the acid up the esophagus. In order to prevent this from happening, don’t lie down immediately after meals. Wait a few hours until your food has digested properly before lying down.
  • Watch your consumption – There are foods and drinks that will cause problems with GERD, and you should avoid these things. (See more information on nutritional GERD treatment below)
  • Raise your head – When you sleep at night, try and raise your head so that it is higher than your body. You can either use regular pillow to elevate your head, or consider the Acid reflux pillow below to provide you with relief from pain.
  • Quit smoking – Smoking causes all kinds of problems in your body, not the least of which is acid reflux. Cut out smoking and give your body a break.
    These are just a few natural remedies that can be the perfect GERD treatment, and you will find that making these simple lifestyle changes might have a huge impact on your GERD condition.

    Gerd Treatment: A Gerd Surgery? Gerd Medication?

    If the GERD treatment tips above aren’t enough to help you deal with your problem, then you may have to consider medication or surgery as an alternative.
    Don’t know what your options are?
    Here are some things you can turn to if your GERD diet just isn’t working.

    GERD Medication

    • Antacids – Antacids are exactly what they sound like: anti acids.
      They help to provide relief from the pains of your GERD, but the relief is only temporary and won’t correct your problem.
    • Acid Reduction Meds – Certain medications help to reduce the production of acid by your stomach, and they are a more long term solution to your problem than antacids.
    • Acid Production Blockers – Acid production blockers actually prevent the stomach from producing acid, and they contain ingredients that will help to heal your damaged esophagus.
    • Meds to Strengthen the Sphincter – Medications known as prokinetic agents help to strengthen the muscle of the sphincter that connects your esophagus to your stomach, thus preventing the acid from coming back up your throat.

    GERD Surgery

    • Sphincter Reinforcing – One surgery helps to strengthen the muscles of the sphincter that connects your stomach and esophagus, thus helping your body to naturally prevent the backing up of acid.
    • Barrier Creation – Some surgeries involve creating a barrier that will actually stop the acid from going back up your stomach.
    • Scar Tissue Formation – If there is one thing in the world stomach acid can’t eat through, it’s scar tissue. This surgery heats the tissue of your esophagus to create scar tissue, and it damages the nerves that are sensitive to the acid reflux.
      This heals your esophagus and gives your muscles extra strength.
    These meds and surgeries are usually only last ditch GERD treatment attempts, so try and do as much as you can naturally to prevent and deal with it before considering these options.

    Top Natural Cure for Gerd – a Gerd Natural Treatment

    If you want the best GERD treatment, the natural cure for GERD is simply to change your lifestyle.
    All of the things that you are doing, eating, drinking, and smoking are causing the problems, so giving your life a good hard look will help you to find what areas need to be changed in order to deal with the GERD.
    Still don’t know what needs to be changed? Here are some GERD natural treatment tips to help you deal with the GERD by changing your life:
    • 1. Change your Diet – Everyone knows that acid reflux is caused in part by your diet, so change the way you eat, the things you eat, and the amounts you eat in order to deal with the problem. You can find tips for a great GERD diet below that will help you deal with the problem.
    • 2. Balance Acid Levels – Your body naturally produced hydrochloric acid in your stomach to digest your food, but too much acid is what causes GERD in the first place. In order to eliminate GERD, balance out the acid levels in your body. The alkaline in your body will help to cancel out the acid in your stomach, thus preventing GERD from being a serious problem.
    • 3. Take Vitamin D – Vitamin D helps to prevent your esophagus from being destroyed by stomach acids, as it helps to create certain peptides that will root out and eliminate any infections. Not only should you get out and spend more time in the sun to get natural Vitamin D, but you should also consider taking Vitamin D supplements.
    • 4. Get More Exercise – Exercise is the solution for pretty much every problem in your body, and you will find that doing exercise can help to eliminate your GERD effectively. The reason for this is that exercise causes your heart to pump more oxygen-rich blood through your body, and more oxygen means better functioning organs.
    • 5. Stop Smoking – Smoking causes lung cancer, high blood pressure, weakened arterial walls, high cholesterol, terrible breath, and, on top of all of that, acid reflux. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do to fight off your GERD, and you may find that stopping is exactly what you need to prevent it in the first place.
    Make a few simple changes to your lifestyle as part of your GERD treatment, and see your stomach and esophagus thank you as they are no longer burning.

    Gerd Treatment: The Best Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

    Now that you know what lifestyle changes you need to make, it is time to learn about a few instant GERD treatment options and home remedies for acid reflux that you can take without ever having to leave your house.
    Obviously it is important to avoid the foods that cause the problem, but you should know about a few foods that can actually deal with the problem immediately:
    • 1. Raw Foods – Raw foods contain enzymes that help to fight off GERD and other problems, but the enzymes are destroyed when the food is cooked. Eat raw fruits and vegetables to get these enzymes in abundance.
    • 2. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar – the real stuff, not the processed stuff – can help to calm down your stomach and make digestion easier for you.
      It also helps to fight off acid reflux, and will provide you quick relief if you take a spoonful in a glass of water.
    • 3. Aloe Vera Juice – Aloe vera treats just about anything that is burning, with acid being no exception. It can help to treat acid reflux and provide your poor esophagus relief from pain.
    • 4. Baking Soda – Baking soda is actually a natural antacid that will stop acid reflux and GERD, so add a spoonful into a glass of water and suck it down before the soda stops bubbling.
    • 5. Glutamine – Glutamine is an amino acid that is present in parsley, fish, eggs, and spinach. It can help to reduce the inflammation that is the result of acid reflux.
    • 6. Herbal Licorice – Herbal licorice is way stronger than the candy, but it will help by coating your stomach with a gel-like substance that will actually protect it.
    Try these herbal and home remedies in your GERD treatment to feel “all better!”

    Foods that Can Cause Acid Reflux

    There are a few foods that are responsible for causing acid reflux, which in turn causes GERD.
    Don’t know what foods they are?
    Here is a list of foods to avoid with GERD or acid reflux problems:
    • Tomatoes and lemons are the two most acidic fruits, and will be directly responsible for GERD.
    • Orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemonade and cranberry juice will all cause GERD as well.
    • Ground beef, marbled sirloin steaks, buffalo wings, and chicken nuggets can cause GERD.
    • Spaghetti with tomato sauce and mac and cheese are both major players on GERD’s team.
    • Mashed potatoes, French fries, and onions can all cause GERD.
    • Wine, coffee, liqueurs, and tea are all friends of GERD.
    • Cream based salad dressings, oily and acidic dressings, butter cookies, brownies, chocolate, and corn chips are all responsible for causing GERD.
    • Cottage cheese, sour cream, milkshakes, and ice cream can all cause GERD.
    Remember that these foods all cause your body to produce more acid to digest them, therefore avoiding them will reduce the amount of acid in your body.

    Gerd Treatment: An Acid Reflux Pillow?

    An amazing invention is the Acid reflux pillow, a device that looks simple but is incredibly practical.
    The pillow is shaped like a giant doorstop, and it slants upwards in order to raise your head above your chest level.
    As recommended above, raising your head when you sleep will help gravity to work on your side to keep the acid reflux down. Rather than allowing the GERD to get the best of you, the acid reflux pillow can actually help to keep your acid reflux heading towards your intestines instead of towards your throat.

    Gerd Treatment: Aloe Vera Gerd Effects

    Aloe vera has many natural soothing properties, and you will find that using aloe vera to help you treat your GERD is one of the best natural GERD treatment options you have.
    As mentioned above, Aloe Vera will help to calm down your upset stomach, can reduce inflammation, help your stomach to digest food more effectively, soothe your poor painful esophagus, and fight off acid reflux.
    You should drink a bit of Aloe vera juice the minute you start feeling the pains of acid reflux to obtain nearly instantaneous relief.
