Saturday, September 7, 2013

yoga to eat

I’ve been enjoying my yoga workout and I am not trying to do it on a daily basis. It feels really great and I really want to watch myself in this area.  Losing weight is secondary for me. I have gained some embarrassing pounds but so be it. For the first time in my life I have enjoyed eating and I am not really inclined to stop it. I don’t pig. I just eat the way I realized I was supposed to be eating. All my life I only ate for necessity.  So yeah, of course the repercussion is that I started gaining weight. But that’s alright. That’s why  I am trying to manage it. So I can continue enjoy my food! I know that sounds selfish and it may send a wrong signal to some readers. But hey, it always depends on your self-control. As for me I remember this: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

I do indulge once in a while. Hey, life is too short to be so scrupulous! 

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