Saturday, September 28, 2013

Amazing Garlic

I am now officially a garlic fan. Imagine it can cure just about anything if we make it part of our diet. Who would ever think that this can also combat hemmorroids. Well, not that I have one, but I know a few in my circles who have and I can't wait to share this good news to them. Last night I have already started eating raw garlic! Imagine it's anti-inflamatory and antibacterial components. This morning for breakfast, I sort of fried the unpeeled cloves, just half-fried it. The cloves are then easy to take off and the garlic, it tasted so delicious! 

Garlic Magic! Say Goodbye to Hemorrhoids

Are you not annoyed getting hemorrhoids? The pain and itch it creates ruin a supposed to be easy and comfortable routine. The cushion of blood accumulated in the anal area is irritating. And it is just right to know what hemorrhoids are and seek for a good remedy to make it disappear.
There are lots of hemorrhoid remedies out there. Some are unknown yet proven effective. And one of them is garlic. Yes, garlic is not just a spice but also a hemorrhoid remedy. And there are different preparation you can make to this herb to treat your hemorrhoids.
Garlic Rectal Remedy
Suppositories might have unnatural compounds that can cause reactions and reverse effects. Why not use garlic? This is a common method use centuries ago and is still effective until now. Get clove of garlic. Peel it until you could feel its juices and you can smell its aroma. Make sure that you peel it suppository-like.  Now, use it rectally. It is good to do it during bed time. Your hemorrhoid will disappear after two or more treatments.
Garlic Solution
Garlic is a good astringent too. Take a clove of garlic. Pound it and take its juice. The juice will serve as your garlic-hemorrhoid solution. Apply it to your anus everyday and see great results.
Garlic-Onion Compress
There are a lot of compresses to alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms. And garlic and onion can be one of the best combination in treating hemorrhoids. Now, get a clove of garlic and a clove of onion. Chop these herbs and put on a cotton wool pad. Just leave them there for three hours. Then you are ready to apply them on the hemorrhoids.
Treating hemorrhoids with garlic is one way of getting rid of your venous problem. Natural hemorrhoid remedies are always the best because they trigger no side effects. There are still a lot of unknown hemorrhoid remedies.  But, whatever hemorrhoid remedy it may be, you must admit– garlic is undeniably powerful!


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