Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cucumber Water

Today I am going to start including cucumber water in my diet. This article below is a great find that has greatly encouraged me. I hope to give myself one month and report back to you about the improvements I will be experiencing. 

The human body has a pH balance that is measured on a scale that goes from 0 to 14, with zero being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline. You want to get your pH levels at about 7 for optimal health. When the body is really acidic, immunity can be compromised, which can lead to frequent colds, inflammation can become worse in the joints and the body can become lethargic. Alkaline water is used to balance out the acid in the blood.


  • Acid forms in the body when an abundance of foods that contain acid are consumed. Some of these include coffee, alcohol, soda, processed baked goods, dairy products and meats. As a result of all this acid, yeast, bacteria and toxins form and manifest, causing digestive problems, weight gain and low energy levels.


  • Alkaline water has various features. It is designed to prevent the accumulation of toxins and chemicals in the body that can destroy cells. It also removes cell-damaging substances from the body and promotes cell metabolism by transporting nutrients and minerals.


  • Regular tap water is used on a daily basis, but it might not be sanitary. There is a chance that the water can be riddled with contaminants such as parasites, hydrocarbons, chlorine and heavy metals. For this reason, water ionizers are often installed. These devices get hooked up to your faucet and they filter out the toxins and create alkaline water.


  • Regular water can also be created with the addition of a liquid booster. These are drops that are put into water to turn it alkaline. These drops have ionic minerals in them that have an electrical charge and can help increase energy levels. When this water is created, it has a 9.5 alkalinity level.


  • Alkaline water can also be produced by hand. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that are alkaline. Some of these include celery, broccoli, lemons, limes, sprouts, avocados and cucumbers. A common way that water is made alkaline is with the addition of lemon or cucumber slices.

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