Friday, November 29, 2013

A healing story about guyabano

by Nelly Favis-Villafuerte
November 29, 2013

Many Filipinos are familiar with “guyabano,” a native edible fruit that is abundant in our country. Guyabano fruit has a unique pleasant taste – a mixture of strawberry, pineapple and banana flavor.
What many of us do not know is that all parts of the guyabano like the bark, leaves, roots, fruits and seed are natural cures for many kinds of ailments. Guyabano is a natural cancer treatment. It has awesome healing power in twelve (12) types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. Unbelievably, studies show that the compound extracted from guyabano is 10,000 times more potent in slowing the growth of cancer cells than adriamycin, a commonly used drug in chemotherapy. And yet the guyabano compound kills only cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells. Research further shows that extracts from guyabano as a cancer cure do not cause severe nausea, weight loss or hair loss and the patient feels stronger during the treatment episode – compared to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Aside from being a natural cancer treatment, guyabano is a sedative, a tranquilizer and a nerve tonic. It is also effective in maintaining our intestinal health like eliminating stomach and bowel discomforts. By lowering blood pressure, guyabano has a calming effect on our moods.
The scientific name of guyabano (a Tagalog word sometimes spelled as guayabano or guanabano) is annona muricata. In English, the fruit is known as soursop and the tree is known as the Graviola tree. In Brazil,  the fruit is known as pawpaw. The graviola tree grows in warm tropical areas like in South America and in the Philippines.
While the first modern-day research on guyabano or graviola tree was conducted in 1976 by the National Cancer Research in USA, there were already investigative researches conducted as early as 1940s in other countries like South Korea and USA. Unbelievably, the guyabano tree has been a legendary healing tree from the Amazon rainforest more than three thousand years ago.
Guyabano is completely natural and this is the reason why under the US federal law (and probably in other countries too) it is not patentable. An awesome blessing to the public!
Let me share with you a true-to-life story about the miracle healing power of guyabano.
Sometime in 2009, a lady by the name of Edna and married to Mike Anton was scheduled by the doctors of Stanford University, California, USA for an operation to remove her stomach and spleen due to cancer. Since there was a lull of two weeks, Edna and Mike decided to go to Hawaii to visit their two (2) daughters and to return to Stanford University in time for the operation. Coincidentally, Edna had a cousin in the Philippines who in the past told her about the healing power of guyabano capsule for cancer patients. The cousin learned from the Internet about guyabano as a natural healing cure for cancer as well as for other ailments. Initially, Edna did not heed the advice of her cousin to try guyabano capsule for her cancer. Later on, Edna changed her mind while in Hawaii. She bought the guyabano capsules in US, took the full dosage (2 capsules 3 times a day) daily for 10 days. Then back to Stanford University, Mike and Anton went. Edna’s operation proceeded as scheduled. After the operation, she was told by the doctors of Stanford University who operated on her that they did not remove her stomach but just a part of her spleen. What a miracle for Edna! Edna attributed the miracle to the graviola capsules which she religiously took for 10 days before her operation. Elated that her stomach was not removed – she continued taking the graviola capsules, full dosage (2 capsules three (3) times a day) for weeks and for months. Edna has been taking the graviola capsules without fail for more than four (4) years now and there has been no sign of recurrence of her cancer.
As early as 1977, Edna’s appendix was removed – seven (7) days after the rupture of her appendicitis. She did not experience the usual symptoms of appendicitis.
Edna’s suffering however, did not end with the removal of her raptured appendix. There were times when Edna’s stomach bloated and she had to go a local hospital in Metro Manila for another operation before proceeding to the US for further medical treatment. Finally, her last diagnosis and operation was done at Stanford University.
After all the years of Edna’s suffering (on and off) since 1977 – unbelievably, it is the graviola capsule from guyabano which healed her. Edna belongs to the famous Reynoso clan gifted by our Lord God with culinary talents. How do I know? I was one of Edna’s culinary students many years ago. I taught my maid how to make sans rival using Edna’s delicious recipe and I was selling to my friends and relatives. This was one of my profitable entrepreneurial ventures when I was on maternity leave from my work. How can I forget Edna?
Guyabano is not just an ordinary fibrous fruit with a delectable flavor (a sweet-acidic taste). It is a healthy food. It is a safe and effective natural cancer killer which has the ability to kill cancer cells and preserves the healthy cells at the same time. This is the claim to fame of the graviola tree, a wonderful gift of our Lord God to us.
Have a joyful day!

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