Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Warm Calamansi juice for cough

First time that I have tried this. Warm calamansi juice upon waking up in the morning. It made my cough disappear almost instantly. Really amazing. I would like to share this with my friends.

It has been said, drinking Calamansi Juice increases the body’s resistance to disease, prevents eye disorder and aids the healing of wounds. It also prevents tooth decay, bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth due to its vitamin C content which helps in maintaining the health of the teeth.

Here are some benefits of Calamansi juice:

Skin Bleaching Agent
Serves as body cleanser
Use as body deodorant
Lightens dark area of the body like armpits and elbows
Lightens freckles
Good as Mouthwash
Cure coughs and expel the phlegm
Helpful in dealing with a Hangover
Prevent and Cure Osteoarthritis
Maintains Kidney Health
Great tonic for the Liver
Prevent Diabetes
Lighten Urine Color
Lowers blood cholesterol

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