Friday, November 29, 2013

What's your excuse?

I have earlier posted something Maria Kang, a really-oh-so-fit mom who posted a photo of herself in skimpy workout attire, with her three young sons. Well, there is an update about her, which I am sharing here below. I really like what she posted on her FB wall, encouraging people to think twice about glamorizing obesity. I have been steadily gaining weight myself and I  know I am guilty. I eat a lot, I enjoy sweets, and I only think of workout when I already feel so overly bloated. Maria Kang is a great encouragement for me, to always think fit, think healthy and enjoy life the way we all ought to. I'll say this again. I do not think there is something wrong with what this young mother has been doing. First of all, that is her life she is sharing to all of us. That is how she is living it and it is encouragement enough. Why do we "fat" people cringe over it?  “Some saying I’m a bully, I’m fat-shaming and I need to apologize for the hurt I’ve caused women,” Kang wrote in a post. Bully? I do not think she is bullying anyone. That is just so far out. Aren't we just trying to find an excuse for staying the way we are because we're lazy doing something about it? I think her idea of sharing how she maintains her weight even with three young kids, is revolutionary. Not every mother likes that idea for sure. It is not easy. Most of the time we say to ourselves, "The little time I have left is not even enough for rest." 

“Every woman is different and my intention was not to ask, ‘What’s your excuse for not looking like me?’ My intention was to imply, ‘What’s your excuse for not exercising?’ However you interpret the message is dependent on your emotional state when you read the caption,” Kang said in her recent blog post. 

Need I say more? 

maria kang and boys

'Fit Mom' Gets Temporarily Banned From Facebook

Maria Kang, known as the "Fit Mom," was temporarily banned from Facebook this week after she wrote a post complaining about the positive media coverage of an online group that encourages plus-sizewomen to post photos of themselves in lingerie to show what "real women" look like.
Kang, who caused controversy earlier this year by posting a photo of herself with her sons under the tag line "What's Your excuse?"wrote on her Facebook page that she was "starting to get annoyed" at the attention the online group was getting.
Kang then went on to write about high obesity rates in the U.S., including childhood obesity.
"We keep blaming the culprit (school lunches, fast food) when the real change starts at home," wrote Kang.
Kang told that she was especially frustrated by the positive media attention the lingerie group received after she'd received such intense criticism for posting the photo of herself in a bikini alongside her sons.
"People made me feel bad about posting a picture of me and my children," said Kang, who said she feared the media coverage of the lingerie group was "normalizing" obesity. "When you see someone who is healthy it's almost so shocking. ... We've gone to a point where we're normalizing [a health] crisis.
In her deleted post on Facebook, Kang wrote that "We need to change this strange mentality we are breeding in the U.S."
Kang wants to highlight people who, she said, make fitness and health a priority. "Start celebrating people who are a result of hard work, dedication and discipline."
After Kang put the post on Facebook it was flagged by a reader, and the social media site removed it, calling it "hate speech," according to ABC's affiliate KGO in San Francisco.
But after it banned Kang, Facebook then said the post had been taken down by mistake and reinstated Kang's access to the social media site. According to KGO, Kang's original post was not reposted.
Kang wrote another message on her Facebook page about the controversy, saying she didn't want to shame overweight people but that she believes people are celebrating unhealthy habits.
"I think you should love yourself," Kang told "But there's a fine line we're walking between I love myself and accept myself, and I love and accept and want to progress myself."

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