Friday, February 5, 2016

Wonders of Baking Soda

I've been using baking soda with my toothpaste for many years now. It doesn't just serve as a cleanser, whitener, it is also antibacterial, so it's a great alternative to mouthwash. I read somewhere you can also use it in cleaning vegetables to wash away harmful chemicals before preparing your meal. Most of the ones you buy from the supermarket, are made from baking soda anyway, so you can certainly make your own at home. All you need is at least 2 cups of tap water, a few tablespoon of baking soda, mix them in a bowl where you can scrub your vegies away.

A banana a day, keeps the doctor away

A banana a day, keeps the doctor away. I just realized how more superior banana is than the apple. I'm glad I live in a country where bananas are plenty and apples are, well, expensive.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

If there's a will, there's a way

No mother is too busy to be able to take care of themselves without jeopardizing their responsibilities and bonding time with their kids. This mother will prove you wrong if you keep enumerating all the justifications for not having enough time for exercise. Do not just check out this video, try it out for yourself and be amazed at the realization. I did, myself and that's why I'm sharing it here.

What is Ecozoic Living?

Ecozoic Living means living in harmony with all creations. None in life is compromised, every organism is given the chance to thrive and live it's purpose here on earth. There is mutual respect. "Live simply so that others may simply live" speaks a lot about this, that is as far as we human beings are concerned. Living simply, however doesn't mean we have to give up the luxuries that we also deserve given the fact that we work too hard for our family and loved ones. Look at this one here, doesn't it look luxurious enough? Going natural doesn't mean inconvenience, it means more opportunity to enjoy nature without threatening it's life and existence. Going natural is taking care of our home, the earth, a gift to us. Going natural means ensuring that the air that we breathe is fresh, clean and a refreshment to our lungs. Ecozoic living is going natural. 


 Imagine co-existing with the birds, lizard and even mosquitoes! Kidding aside, of course with ecozoic principle, I can always co-exist with the mosquitoes without to actually harm them. I just need to shoo them a away a bit by planting some mosquito repellant plants and trees. 

 Hmmm... looking at this picture, I think this would be very possible in my little area down in Sipalay. Before getting to the entrance of my place, there is also a shallow sort of a river. 


Here you can see me and my son gathering some pebbles while enjoying the early morning sunlight. 
That is where I will built that hanging rest house! 

How Do You Pouch It?

I just recently learned I can actually enjoy eggs for my breakfast every morning without feeling guilty of consuming oil on a regular basis. Pouching is a lot healthier than simply frying your eggs, for obvious reasons. It's the oil, darling, it's the oil, no need to mention actually. When I learned how to do this, I was so thrilled I had pouched eggs every morning for my breakfast. Well, actually I cannot survive a day without eggs with my breakfast. So pouching is really something that has taken away every bit of guilt in me, just thinking about the oil intake every morning.


Make it happen


I can see it happening. A nice house in the middle of the forest farm, cool breeze, no need for any air-conditioner whatsoever, fresh vegetables, fruits, organic chicken and pork meat, a little ranch, flower farm, there is just so much to do in a 30-hectare property. I promise God he will not be disappointed for giving me this blessing. I can't wait for my 2-decade job to be over. Not that I do not treasure it, I do in so many ways. It's just that right now, I guess it's time to move on to the next chapter, where I will be better, wiser, braver. 

There is too much toxicity in city life. The noise, the haste, the pollution, the demands of a busy schedule, all these have been taking the better of me, even the capacity to connect. People do not know each other anymore. Everyone go about their days like robots or grumpy old men. I do not want that kind of life. I've had enough of it. It is in my hands, the power to make things happen, lies on my energy, my will, my decision to do it. I cannot just expect God to shower all these things to me. I have to take my part. And most of all, this has to become an advocacy, so that others, too may live. 

Grapes in the Philippines!




Watching them grow gives me so much energy and hope. There is life, there is new beginning. Starting things like this convinces me that all things are possible if not only you believe but you work for it. Never in my wildest dreams that grapes could grow in my country. Grapes here has always been tagged as special, expensive, and cannot grow in this tropical climate. But that is just a misconception. Maybe a lie by those who colonized us and wanted us to believe that our agriculture did not have any future, so we would depend eternally on imports. Well, that is going to change now. More and more of us are realizing the fact that we have very rich agriculture and this can make us rule over Asia and throughout the world if only we will work hand in hand to achieve it. I am leaning towards organic farming and that is a lot of hope.