Thursday, February 4, 2016

What is Ecozoic Living?

Ecozoic Living means living in harmony with all creations. None in life is compromised, every organism is given the chance to thrive and live it's purpose here on earth. There is mutual respect. "Live simply so that others may simply live" speaks a lot about this, that is as far as we human beings are concerned. Living simply, however doesn't mean we have to give up the luxuries that we also deserve given the fact that we work too hard for our family and loved ones. Look at this one here, doesn't it look luxurious enough? Going natural doesn't mean inconvenience, it means more opportunity to enjoy nature without threatening it's life and existence. Going natural is taking care of our home, the earth, a gift to us. Going natural means ensuring that the air that we breathe is fresh, clean and a refreshment to our lungs. Ecozoic living is going natural. 


 Imagine co-existing with the birds, lizard and even mosquitoes! Kidding aside, of course with ecozoic principle, I can always co-exist with the mosquitoes without to actually harm them. I just need to shoo them a away a bit by planting some mosquito repellant plants and trees. 

 Hmmm... looking at this picture, I think this would be very possible in my little area down in Sipalay. Before getting to the entrance of my place, there is also a shallow sort of a river. 


Here you can see me and my son gathering some pebbles while enjoying the early morning sunlight. 
That is where I will built that hanging rest house! 

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