Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sayote/Chayote is a Remedy for High Blood Pressure

Both of my parents have high blood pressure. My grandfather from my father's side died of heart attack. Even I, at an early age already struggled with high blood pressure, causing my doctor to recommend maintenance medicine for it. Many were a bit shocked to know I have already been maintaining something to  tone down my blood pressure. My own brother had to be rushed to the ER a few years back, that time he was 33, imagine how young, due to very high blood pressure. Initially it made me feel so frustrated, I felt greatly oppressed. As much as I can, I avoid stress as it's the number one cause of it. Some other things, (for some these can be the major cause) like bad diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise. As for me, my doctors after thorough examinations that the culprit is stress. I am dedicated with my fitness exercises, I eat healthy, I make sure I sleep 7-8 hours a day. But still the PRESSURE is UP.

A few weeks back, my brother discovered some herbal remedy for it. I'm so excited to share it here with you. All you need is one sayote, one cocumber, one ampalaya, all with the same size. Hit them all in your juicer and viola!

My brother's blood pressure has dramatically gone down, his migraines gone. 

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