Thursday, February 4, 2016

Make it happen


I can see it happening. A nice house in the middle of the forest farm, cool breeze, no need for any air-conditioner whatsoever, fresh vegetables, fruits, organic chicken and pork meat, a little ranch, flower farm, there is just so much to do in a 30-hectare property. I promise God he will not be disappointed for giving me this blessing. I can't wait for my 2-decade job to be over. Not that I do not treasure it, I do in so many ways. It's just that right now, I guess it's time to move on to the next chapter, where I will be better, wiser, braver. 

There is too much toxicity in city life. The noise, the haste, the pollution, the demands of a busy schedule, all these have been taking the better of me, even the capacity to connect. People do not know each other anymore. Everyone go about their days like robots or grumpy old men. I do not want that kind of life. I've had enough of it. It is in my hands, the power to make things happen, lies on my energy, my will, my decision to do it. I cannot just expect God to shower all these things to me. I have to take my part. And most of all, this has to become an advocacy, so that others, too may live. 

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