Thursday, February 4, 2016

Grapes in the Philippines!




Watching them grow gives me so much energy and hope. There is life, there is new beginning. Starting things like this convinces me that all things are possible if not only you believe but you work for it. Never in my wildest dreams that grapes could grow in my country. Grapes here has always been tagged as special, expensive, and cannot grow in this tropical climate. But that is just a misconception. Maybe a lie by those who colonized us and wanted us to believe that our agriculture did not have any future, so we would depend eternally on imports. Well, that is going to change now. More and more of us are realizing the fact that we have very rich agriculture and this can make us rule over Asia and throughout the world if only we will work hand in hand to achieve it. I am leaning towards organic farming and that is a lot of hope. 

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