Sunday, August 4, 2013


I saw some comments under this video which really irk me. Like this one below. Hey, why are you mad? Who cares about your health, anyway? I don’t give a fucking damn about you whoever you are. Are you too ignorant to try and watch the video with a sensible mind? Do your own research on those artificial sweeteners and stop whining!  Have you heard of Stevia? You can pull your own weight and plant stevia and use it as sweetener to your coffee or beverages! Or if you want to die you fat ass, just die. Stop whining! You should be thankful for videos like this that give you education to your dumb ignoramus mind. You're diabetic, you say? So what do you plan to do with your own body? Go and have more of those artificial sweeteners!!! So you can die soon. 

"This is seriously depressing me. Okay, so not just you but everyone is saying that "Splenda is bad and sugar would actually be more healthier than that !@#$" But, not only do I not want to eat sugar cuz the health negatives, I can /not/ eat it because I'm Diabetic.. so what the heck am I supposed to use if I can't use artificial sweetners? And I mean in like my coffee or in baking (yes in moderation), so please don't say the raw sweetness of fruits, honey, ect."

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