Saturday, August 3, 2013

The wonders of Calamansi

I heard from someone sharing about the wonders of Calamansi, especially it losing weight powers. I am still not too sure if I can manage to do it, especially when it requires squeezing its juices out and drinking without water or any sugar to at least sweeten it.

But many years ago I have this talk with my herbalist doctor and he told me drinking a glass of Calamansi juice 30 minutes before breakfast has a lot of benefits for our body. And that is what I have been doing the past weeks. The results are amazing. You have energy for the entire day, sometimes if you wake up with a headache, this amazing regimen will quickly shoo the headache away.

This video below is about how to use Calamansi for your beauty regimen. And yes, I have tried calamansi on my face, it erases blemishes and wrinkles in the long run. You can also try it on your problem areas like armpits etc *wink*



What are the tricks to make work to the slimmer you? First, start the day by drinking 8 ounce of hot water with Calamansi. Squeeze a half of the Calamansi into the hot water, put 1 teaspoon of Calamansi zest and zip it slowly. Calamansi and hot water speeds the elimination of toxins that stores fat. Second is to alternate hot water and cold water throughout the day. The hot water will flush the toxins away from your intestines while the cold water keeps the calorie to burn high. You can drink hot water with Calamansi and then drink a glass of cold water, repeat this twice at non-meal times. The third step is to drink lukewarm water before meals and snacks, Drink them 15 minutes before you eat because it shuts down your craving to food therefore allowing you to only eat a few calories.

This is a modified version of the Master Cleanse Diet, where you’re supposed to replace each meal with a glass of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper mixed in 80z of water.
The citric acid in the lemon/calamansi is supposed to help curb your appetite. So you might lose weight while you’re on the diet, but once you go back to eating regular food you’ll regain the lost weight in a flash. (source:

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