Saturday, August 3, 2013

Taking care of our environment is taking care of ourselves

For decades there have been ongoing talks about global warming. Just last week I have read an article about North Pole now becoming North Lake. Because ice are melting literally turning most of the place into a poignant looking lake.

What have we done so far? Around the world, have people been actually concerned about what to do, more than be concerned about what will happen to them? Too many species have gone extinct ever since Mother Nature has started getting ill. And most of the things I hear so far is just worry, worry, worry. 

Me and my friends a few months back have started to do something about it in our own little way. (shouldn't we all?) At first we were just planning a sort of a tour, an outdoor adventure. And then I thought, what is it about the outdoors that we would like to explore. Mother Nature. And is it enough that we enjoy her? Isn't it more meaningful and purposeful if we enjoy her and at the same time take care of her? So we decided to make our trip into an adventure and tree planting tour. We toured some part of Negros and along the way, we planted Mahogany seeds. The trip has revealed so many things to me. It was sort of appalling to see people living in the hinterlands, with dry and arid atmosphere from lack of trees and greeneries. You see people looking outside their windows with their black stares that almost scared me. What were they thinking? What were they busy about sitting waiting for nothing? There were vast empty areas around them. If I was the one living in those areas, I could change those sorry looking lands into a paradise, by just using my bare hands. There is enough about the emptiness that surrounds them that broke my heart to pieces. 

Living in the city, I make use of some pots and plant some vegetables in them. Any hint of life sprouting from my tiny bit of "land" brings me so much joy and hope. Yes, there is hope in a handful of soil. Why can't there be hope in those vast mountains that we have passed by? 

Why do people keep talking about poverty, hunger, hopelessness anyway? 

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