Thursday, August 8, 2013


In this "selfie" generation, what do people really understand about self-love and it's great importance to the meaningfully divine existence of the human race?

"At the end of the day, all we have is who we are."  I chanced upon this kicker while bumming around FB today and I was so struck by this line. I immediately thought about my blog and the reason why I set it up. Take care of yourself. We always forget that. And indeed, at the end of the day we wonder why we oftentimes feel so down, so low, so tired, so alone. Sometimes so misunderstood, so neglected. But if we have somehow made an effort in taking care of ourselves, we wouldn't be feeling all so empty and wondering what happened when the dust has settled.

Loving yourself sounds a bit too selfish. But come to think of it, it is one of the most essential things that we need to do in this life we once in a while call survival. Too many times we get up thinking about our family, our loved ones, being there for them, providing for them and making them happy. This makes us happy and fulfilled and contented. But sometimes, loving others isn't just as simple as that. We cannot go on doing so if we have come to a point where we have forgotten who we are.

I would like to stress that is not in the context of being greedy and selfish as you love yourself. That is absolutely not that. Loving yourself simply means recognizing your need to say no every once in a while, understanding why you need to give time for yourself and do the things that make you happy, as long as no one else is affected in the process. Maybe it is watching a movie alone, maybe it is going to a spa, maybe it is taking a walk along the park. There are countless of ways in which we make this kind gesture to ourselves. Whenever I do this myself, I am surprised at what it does to me. Indeed, it can go a long way.

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