Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ampalaya beauty

I had this for breakfast and I'm having it again for lunch!

The ampalaya is probably one of the most maligned vegetable in Philippine culture. Not everyone can handle its initial bitter taste and many people are intimidated when they're asked to cook it.
But don't judge the vegetable by its appearance. It turns out ampalaya is packed with significant health benefits.

1. It makes you look good. Ampalaya is known to help in preventing skin conditions such as psoriasis and fungal infections like ringworm.

2. It keeps your heart healthy. Ampalaya seeds can protect you from heart irregularities as it has properties that burn the unnecessary fats that clog your arteries and veins. The seeds are easier on the palate when compared to the fruit and the leaves as they do not have the bitter taste.

4. It can help treat type-2 diabetes. Ampalaya has been extensively used in the treatment of type-2 diabetes as it contains phyto-nutrient and polypeptide-P, a plant insulin which is known to lower blood sugar levels.

5. It's baby-friendly. The fresh pods of ampalaya are a rich source of folate and it helps in reducing the occurrence of neural tube defects in newborn babies.

6. It's great for your tummy. Ampalaya can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and also kill parasitic worms in our body.

7. It gives you clear vision. Ampalaya is packed with beta carotene which helps in maintaining and improving your eyesight.

8. It has a variety of nutrients. Ampalaya is an excellent source of vitamin C, thiamin, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese.


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