Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sex bloggers

Sex bloggers Alvin Tan Jye Yee and Vivien Lee May Ling, who stirred up another controversy with a buka puasa greeting with a picture of them eating bak kut teh on their Facebook page, claimed trial to the three charges. I can only describe this sick couple as hideous, ugly, pungent, abnormal, disrespectful, arrogant, sex maniacs. 

And oh by the way, why would this woman cover her face??? Really funny. Her ugly looking face, her vagina is all over the internet and she would cover her face??? I thought she is proud of what she's doing with her equally ugly boyfriend? Gaga. Hangag. Abnoy. I hope they rot in prison. Good that they are being tried. They must be silence. What example will they set among the young people of today anyway? They're nothing but penis and vagina. 

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