Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The wonders of Pili Nuts

I live in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Just about an hour away is Pontevedra, where a famous Cojuangco farm is situated and they grow durian, all sorts of fruit trees and nuts! Pili nut is my favorite ever since I was in high school having tasted it for the first time during one of my adventures up in the highlands of Guimbalaon, Silay. I have some friends in Pontevedra and I could just conveniently request them to send me me Pili nuts anytime I want. I must say it is such a great alternative to snacking on some junk foods! For the past few nights I have been enjoying these nuts again and I thought, I better google it to know what are the health benefits of eating Pili nuts. Amazing. 

Chris Bech along with Wife Teresa have now started their Investment Program’s for their Organic Pili Nut Farming at Tablas, Romblon. 

The Pili Nut Farming Investments are set up to give you a monthly supplemental income, which can turn to as much as $100,000 per harvest.

Pili Nuts are becoming a very high commodity in the Investment world, now at 700 peso per Kilo Raw, the investments have a very high ROI.

Bech’s Organic Farm Tablas, Romblon, saw the huge demand for Pili Nuts being grown to help support the world demand, seeing a huge sustainable industry, Chris Bech and wife decided to research other areas in the Philippines that the Pili Nut would grow with great success.

The researchers, Professors, Agriculturists  all gave the soil in Tablas Romblon a Big Thumbs Up, Pili is a tropical tree preferring deep, fertile, well drained soil, warm temperatures, and well distributed rainfall. It can not tolerate the slightest frost or low temperature..

The weather conditions in Tablas also were ideal for the Pili, with high winds, and good irrigation. Bech’s Farms are designed on hilly land, in valley’s and high up, also reducing the cost of the land, and Investment outlay.

Visit Bech’s Organic Farming Tablas Romblon
That’s why so many Investors are turning to Pili Nuts Investments with Bech’s Organic Farming Investments in the Philippines; the very high ROI gives them a great living standard, and income supplement, that can last 75+ Years.

The pili nut is native to the Philippines. It is found on tall evergreen pili trees, also called Canarium Ovatum.

The fruit is enclosed in a hard shell which, when ripe, has a thick, dark skin. Although it was used mainly as a garden plant, its health benefits were known to natives of the Philippines.
The Pili Nut was not commercially cultivated until recently, Bech’s Organic Pili Nut Farm is one of the largest of it’s kind in the Romblon Province, they will have over 80,000 Pili nuts planted at Tablas within the next 3 years.  

Pili Nuts grown in the Philippines, Native to the Philippines, the pili nut is abundant and grows wild in many southern provinces, including Tablas, Romblon, Samar, Luzon, Mindanao and Visayas.

When raw, the pili nut is said by many to resemble the flavor of roasted pumpkin or pepita seeds, and when roasted, the pili nut’s mild, nutty flavor and tender-crispy texture is superior to that of the common almond. A perfect example would be a cross between a macadamia nut and a marcona almond.

Besides from being eaten raw or roasted, pili nuts are also used in chocolate, ice cream, candies and baked goods as well.
The largest buyers of pili nuts outside of the Philippines are in Australia, USA,  Canada, EU, UK, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. There the pili nut is one of the major ingredients in a famous Chinese dessert known as Moon Cake.
Aside from being a treat for your taste buds, the pili nut is also a nutritional treat for your body. Nutritionally, the pili nut is high in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, and rich in fats and protein.

Pili nuts are also rich in oil. They yield a light yellow oil consisting mainly of oleic glycerides and palmitic acids (60:40 percent respectively), very similar to olive oil.

Unfortunately, unless you live in the Philippines, pili nuts can be extremely hard to find. With the extremely hard shell encasing the pili nut, most commercial plantations do not see the value of the nut. Therefore, most of the pili nut trees grow wild rather than in plantations, making the harvesting of the nut erratic and limited.

As new breeds are being introduced with easier to access fruit and new devices are invented for the opening of the pili nut, Pili Nuts grown at Bech’s Organic Pili Nut Farm, the future of the pili nut definitely is a great Investment opportunity not to be missed. Contact us Today!
“Pili Nuts are preferred with Caviar and Champagne”

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