Salmon has so many benefits. It may be pricey, but if you can afford it, you should really consider getting more of it.
The health benefits of salmon
It strengthens your bones. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis or other inflammatory joint conditions, salmon is an excellent addition to your diet. The protein called bioactive peptides in salmon is known to stabilize and regulate collagen synthesis in the osteoarthritic cartilage. Salmon also helps in strengthening your bones.
It helps keep you happy. Did you know salmon can make you happy as well as smart? It's packed with omega-3 fatty acids and studies have shown that it reduces the risk of depression and cognitive decline in elderly persons.
It boosts heart health. The omega-3 fats, EPA, and DHA (decosahexaenoic acid) in salmon help reduce the inflammation and excessive blood clotting in the arteries. Eat salmon twice or thrice a week and protect yourself from the risk of developing heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure.
It cares for your eyes. Research has proven that eating salmon twice a week can actually decrease the risk of macular degeneration – an eye condition that can lead to vision loss.
It's brain food. This fish is good for your child’s brain. As salmon is a rich source of DHA, it helps in the prevention ADHD and even boosts their performance in academics.
It has Vitamin D. Salmon is also rich in Vitamin D and is an essential vitamin which helps reduce the risk of cancer, type-1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
It helps you sleep better. Salmon can help you sleep better as it an excellent source of tryptophan, a natural sedative. Tryptophan is known to increase sleepiness even in people suffering from mild insomnia.
It makes your skin and hair look great. Tired of artificial creams and lotions failing to keep your skin looking young? Here’s a tip – make salmon a part of your diet. The omega-3 acids found in salmon is known to alleviate blemishes on the skin, lock moisture into the skin cells and encourageproduction of collagen leaving your skin looking soft, supple and youthful! Salmon is also good for your hair. The omega-3 nourishes your hair follicles and prevents hair loss. The high protein in salmon will help you maintain healthy, strong and shiny hair!
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